Two women, one black and one white, wearing masks, standing in front of Two Bettys Green Cleaning

Star Tribune Letter to the Editor: We Can’t Last Much Longer

Two Bettys Owner, Anna Tsantir

November 18, 2020

The following letter to the editor appeared in The Star Tribune on November 18, 2020:

When COVID-19 hit last March, Congress was quick to approve a federal aid package to help small businesses. It was a lifesaver, enabling our business, Two Bettys Green Cleaning, to retain staff while we were closed during lockdown. Once we returned to cleaning, the aid allowed us to give paid sick leave to hourly employees who had to quarantine due to symptoms, a positive COVID diagnosis or to care for a sick loved one.

Congress had promised more help to follow this summer or fall. Two Bettys was counting on this aid to help us break even this year, retain staff and continue offering paid sick leave. We were confident that with another round of aid, we could weather the third COVID surge and flu season.

But, despite the promises, so far there’s been nothing. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has stopped all relief for hard-hit small businesses.

There are over half a million small businesses in Minnesota, employing 46.9% of Minnesota workers. With the third surge upon us and without an extension to the aid, many of these businesses have no choice but to again furlough or let people go. If McConnell wants workers to continue earning paychecks and small businesses like mine to survive until the spring, leaders need to provide additional relief to those of us on the front lines. Main Street businesses can’t wait any longer.

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